If Your Social Security Check Is Higher Than This, Expect an Above-Average 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
The Social Security Administration will announce the 2025 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) on Oct. 10, 2024. Until then, you can only make your best guess as to what it’s going to be. The existing data suggests the COLA will be lower than what program recipients have seen in recent years. That’s disappointing for seniors who are […]
What Is a Social Security COLA, and How Can It Affect Your Retirement Plan in 2025?
Whether you’re currently retired and collecting Social Security or you’re still in the planning stages, chances are you’ve heard of the cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA. The COLA is essentially an annual “raise” that’s designed to help benefits maintain their buying power over time. Because Social Security benefits are for life, they should be able to […]