Are You Checking Your Trade Confirmations?

Your brokerage firm issues a trade confirmation every time you buy or sell a security. When a single tap or keystroke can make the difference between 100 and 1,000 shares, it’s important to review this information carefully as soon as you receive a confirmation. Understand Your Confirmations Trade confirmations contain key details about your transactions. […]
Currency Risk: Why It Matters to You

Some investment professionals encourage using foreign stocks and bonds to diversify portfolios. Since overseas assets often don’t track their U.S. counterparts closely, a globally diversified portfolio might help reduce volatility. These investments can directly introduce currency risk, which you might invite as part of your diversification strategy. But currency risk could be present among your […]
Don’t Claim Social Security at 62 Unless You Understand This

Those born in 1963 will reach an important Social Security milestone this year: They’ll turn 62 and become eligible to claim benefits after paying into the program their entire career. It’s tempting to apply right away so you can enjoy the extra income, but that might not be the best move for you financially. Waiting […]