This Could Cost Early Social Security Claimers Some — or All — of Their Monthly Checks

Claiming Social Security as soon as possible has an undeniable appeal: You get the greatest number of checks, and for some, it might enable you to retire sooner than you could if you had to rely on savings alone. But applying for Social Security early brings its own set of challenges too. Signing up at […]
Social Security Fraud Is Real, but It Might Not Be Happening the Way You Think

Whether you’re a senior on Social Security or a worker paying into the program, the thought of rampant benefit fraud is a scary one. Social Security is already struggling financially, and no one wants to see that money stolen by thieves. Unfortunately, Social Security fraud is a real thing — and yes, sometimes that involves […]
Social Security’s 2026 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Could Be Higher Than 2025’s. But Retirees Shouldn’t Want That

When the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced last October that seniors would be getting a 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), a lot of older Americans weren’t happy. The reality is that, historically speaking, a 2.5% Social Security COLA isn’t terrible. But in the context of more recent COLAs, it’s small. At this point, though, seniors have […]
Buying These 3 Things With a Credit Card Is a Big Mistake

Image source: Getty Images If you’re the type of person who pays off their credit card bills every month, then it makes sense to buy almost everything with plastic. It’s convenient, you can rack up big rewards, and you get strong protections against fraud. Looking for a secure place to grow your savings? See our […]
The Grim Reality of President Donald Trump’s Social Security Plan

For most current and future retirees, Social Security income isn’t a luxury or optional. It’s a source of income that most will rely on to cover their expenses as they age. In each of the previous 23 years, national pollster Gallup has conducted surveys to gauge how reliant retirees are on the Social Security income […]