3 Reasons You Should Never Buy a House When You Retire

Image source: Getty Images Planning for your future retirement is going to require you to look at your finances in a holistic way. Not only do you have to consider if you have enough money to get through the day-to-day, you have to figure out what that day-to-day even looks like once you’re the captain […]

Saving for Retirement? Here Are 2025’s IRA Contribution Limits.

To maintain a comfortable lifestyle in retirement, you generally need to go in with savings or have access to income outside of Social Security. The typical retired worker today collects a Social Security benefit of only about $1,922 a month, which translates into an annual income of about $23,000. That may be enough to just […]

The 3 Worst Mistakes You Can Make With 0% APR Credit Cards

Image source: The Motley Fool/Upsplash Most credit cards make it expensive to borrow money. On credit cards that are charged interest, the average rate is a staggering 23.37%, according to Federal Reserve data. For every $1,000 in debt, you’re paying about $233 per year in interest. In comparison, 0% APR credit cards look like an […]

3 Reasons Not to Sign a Mortgage Today — Despite the Lower Rates

Image source: Upsplash/The Motley Fool Mortgage rates are lower today than they were a year ago. Last October, the average 30-year loan rate was over 7%. As of this writing, the average 30-year mortgage is 6.44%. But just a couple of weeks ago, mortgage rates were sitting closer to 6%. So all told, it’s a […]